NAFIS has a longstanding policy of opposing the redirection of public taxpayer dollars outside the public school system, including school vouchers and voucher schemes.

In 2017, legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate proposed turning Impact Aid into an Education Savings Account (ESA) program for military children. ESAs are a form of school vouchers: the legislation would redirect Impact Aid funding from federally impacted districts to parents of some military-connected students to use for home schooling, private schools or other educational expenses. NAFIS worked with a large coalition to push back against this legislation, which was not enacted, and continues to oppose this proposal.


Recent School Voucher Activity

NCPE Sign-On Letter Opposing DC Voucher Program (5/7/24)
NAFIS joins 42 organizations on a National Coalition for Public Education sign-on letter sent to Senate and House Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee leaders opposing the continued funding or reauthorization of the District of Columbia private school voucher program in the FY 2025 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill, noting that public dollars should fund public schools.

NCPE School Choice Sign-On letter (4/18/23)
NAFIS joins 33 organizations on a National Coalition for Public Education sign-on letter sent to Early Childhood, Elementary, & Secondary Education Subcommittee and Committee on Education & the Workforce leadership voicing opposition to move any private school voucher programs forward, arguing that such programs are not proven effective and do not serve the intended recipients any better than public schools.

NCPE Sign-On Letter Supporting Language to Prevent Private School Voucher Programs (5/23/22)
NAFIS joins 40 organizations on a National Coalition for Public Education sign-on letter sent to House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee leadership voicing opposition to the continued funding or reauthorization of the District of Columbia private school voucher program in the FY 2023 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill.

Sign-on Letter Opposing Private School Vouchers in the FY 2022 Appropriations Bill (5/17/21)
NAFIS joins 40 members of the National Coalition for Public Education on a sign-on letter urging Senate and House Appropriations Committee leaders to oppose the funding of private school voucher programs, including the continued funding for the District of Columbia private school voucher program, in the FY 2022 appropriations language.

NAFIS Joins Sign-On Letter Opposing the Department of Education’s Interim Final Rule on Equitable Services (7/31/20)
NAFIS joins 30+ organizations on a sign-on letter expressing concern with the U.S. Department of Education’s Interim Final Rule (IFR) on equitable services under the CARES Act.

Impact Aid Voucher Resources

Coalition for Military-Connected Student Success Opposes New Bill on Education Savings Accounts (5/16/19)
The Coalition for Military-Connected Student Success, an advisory group of organizations (including NAFIS) working to ensure military-connected students have the best educational opportunities possible, opposes H.R. 1605/S. 695, The Education Savings Accounts for Military Families Act of 2019, which would create a new national voucher program for children of active duty service members. The bill places the program within Impact Aid and puts it and other education programs integral to the education of military-connected children at risk.

Letter Opposing Education Savings Accounts for Military Families Act of 2019 (3/18/19)
NAFIS opposes legislation that would insert a new line item for school vouchers for military connected students into Title VII Impact Aid of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Financial Impact of Military ESAs (Spring 2018)
NAFIS explains the importance of Impact Aid funding and the $450 million cost of proposed legislation to use Impact Aid funding to create a voucher program for military connected students.

Statement on Impact Aid Privatization Report (10/16/17)
NAFIS Executive Director Hilary Goldmann explains that stripping Impact Aid from public schools to create a new private school voucher program misses the point of Impact Aid and undermines public schools.

Issue Brief on Impact Aid ESAs (Fall 2017)
NAFIS summarizes concerns with privatizing Impact Aid as Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), including that the proposal undermines the education of all students in federally impacted school districts; increases the burden on local taxpayers; decreases accountability to tax payers; and will require some students who use a voucher to forfeit legal protections and educational supports.

Statement Opposing Proposal to Turn Impact Aid into ESA (5/31/17)
NAFIS conveys the importance of Impact Aid to the districts that receive it and notes that using these funds for private school vouchers misses the point and purpose of Impact Aid.

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